The name "Grope" or "Grape" is derived from NorthGerman Gropen or Grapen, meaning a big three-legged kettle with or without handle; this is undoubtedly proved by numerous sources. The name "Gropengiesser" shows the same origin. The appearance of this kettle among all arms and seals of Grope, Grape, Grap and Grape is another incidence of the name's interpretation
There is evidence that church filings within the same trunk may vary in writing from Grope to Grape or viceversa. One interpretation might be a dialect hardly distinguishing between "a" and "o", another one, more favoured by us , is the Old German writing, wherein "a" is very similar to "o". According to the writer's disposition the downstroke on the "a" might be shorter or longer, or a "o" followed by a "p" might show a downstroke making distinguishing rather difficult.